I thought it was rather weird, especially for a man living in Irvine to begin a broadside against people for not being Orthodox against a man living proudly in the Land of Israel. Moreover, as far as I can tell, Rabbi Schlesinger is uncontroversially modern Orthodox in ritual/religious practice and merely happens to be a member of the religious peace camp, which as far as I can tell in his case means he supports coexistence, not dividing the land (the latter has apparently been held to be permissible in theory by Rabbi Soloveitchik, but I don't want to get into that here). At any rate, an explanation for this weirdness may lie in his past.

- Rabbi Fischer's LinkedIn account discusses how he went to Columbia University for his undergraduate degree and was "Elected as one of two College representatives to University Senate." It later discusses how he received semikha at RIETS (Yeshiva University Rabbi Elchanan Theological Seminary), the flagship yeshiva of Modern Orthodoxy; although no date is given on Linkedin, his official biography states he received semikha in 1981.
- On page four of the March 23, 1977 issue of the Columbia University Spectator, Dov Fisch writes in to complain about Columbia dismissing the JDL from student offices, stating "As an alumnus of Columbia, as a former University Senator, and as the founder of Columbia JDL, I have continued to take an active interest in the chapter's progress, despite the fact that I am now studying uptown for my rabbinical ordination." Lest there be any concern about which uptown rabbinical school he meant, he later states in the article "At the end of the first term, JDL chapter-chairman Danny Simckes decided to drop out of the JTS-Columbia joint-program, having been disgusted by the religious compromising and spiritual fraudulence offered by the "Conservative" seminary, often referred to as the "Jewish Theological Cemetery."" Furthermore, an ad placed in the November 3, 1976 issue of the Columbia Spectator makes it clear that Dov Fisch was studying at YU. It is worth noting that although in the article linked above, he only claims to have been the founder of the Columbia JDL, it is clear from this article from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency from July 16, 1974 that he was in fact the executive director of the JDL as a whole, "David Fisch, a 22-year-old Columbia University student, said today he had resigned as executive director of the Jewish Defense League." Note that while he resigned then as the executive director, he maintained involvement with the JDL.
- He was arrested on March 30, 1975 with 21 other JDL members for throwing bottles through windows at the Soviet Mission to the UN (although he denied it)
- In a June 8, 1976 JTA article, after 3 JDL members were arrested by the FBI with a large quantity of black powder (used for making explosives), he is said to the be "JDL associate director" and claimed the FBI planted the powder. Note that five JDL members were eventually convicted in December on charges relating to these arrests.
- On his personal website, Rabbi Fischer states that after receiving semikha but before making aliyah in 1985 and founding a new settlement in the Samaria area of the West Bank, he (among other things) served as national executive director of the Likud Zionists of America. That organization, better known in those days as Herut USA, can be seen in the 1985 edition of the American Jewish Yearbook (pg. 370 of the full yearbook, 39 of the PDF) to be led by Executive Director Rabbi Dov Aharoni-Fisch. In an article from 1983, he is referred to simply as Dov Fisch.
- The David/Dov Fisch discrepancy can incidentally easily be explained in that David is his legal name, Dov his Hebrew name. The person-data aggregating website Spokeo gives a "David Ber Fischer" of age 64 living in Irvine, CA, giving as his aliases Dov Ber Aharoni and David Fisch. That this is Rabbi Dov Fischer can be seen by relatives Linda (Yellin) [his ex-wife], Yael (his daughter) and Ellen (his current wife), in addition to having also resided in Louisville, as Rabbi Fischer's bio proudly states that he "has been named by three different Governors of the Commonwealth of Kentucky — Gov. Brereton Jones, Gov. Paul Patton, and Gov. Ernie Fletcher — as an Honorary Kentucky Colonel." Moreover, the Columbia Spectator archives alternate between calling him David Fisch and Dov Fisch.

I believe the above makes Dov Fischer's previous JDL life incontrovertibly clear.